The Global Alliance is a collaboration of governments, multisectoral stakeholders, technical partners, people living with HIV, and directly affected communities to end AIDS in children and adolescents by 2030. The Alliance was launched at the 2022 AIDS Conference in Montreal, Canada.
The Global Alliance Regional Hub for Eastern and Southern Africa serves to support accelerated action on ending AIDS in children and adolescents by 2030 in line with partner country plans through:
Lead advocacy efforts at regional level, while supporting global and country level advocacy.
Provide technical assistance in line with country level needs and global level plans and efforts.
Support countries in monitoring and reporting on Global Alliance targets, progress and learning and amplify that learning for greater impact.
Nearly 2/3 of children living with HIV globally reside in Eastern and Southern Africa.
Data source: UNAIDS
Across the region, only 64% of children living with HIV are on lifesaving treatment as compared to 83% of adults. In 2022, 35,000 children died due to AIDS.
Data source: UNAIDS
AIDS remains the leading cause of adolescent death in 12 Eastern and Southern Africa countries.
Data source: WHO mortality data
Twelve countries joined the Global Alliance as inaugural partners. Eight of these – Angola, Kenya, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe – are in Eastern and Southern Africa .
In February 2023, the country delegations convened in Dar Es Salaam to share and commit to their high-level action plans to achieve the targets of the Global Alliance. The Dar es Salaam Declaration for Action to end AIDS in Children enshrines these commitments.